The concept are actually good enough and the gameplay was fun, the first time I play it, it was so fun, but quickly get bored.
The music are TOO REPETITIVE, only one single music for every kind of stage, the gameplay also get a bit repetitive, even though you put a wide variety of enemy and bosses, which is good enough.
Each character are good with their own different ability and attack pattern, which mean every character are really different, which is just awesome.
But some of them have certain problems....
Maruru, the first time you play her and then you got the other character, she seems to be so freaking powerful with the high powered bullets and the instant kill damage which can assasult enemy and wipe everything in just a second. But once the others start to get upgrade, she lost her strong power.
Gluplug (that is a weird name btw), at first was useless as hell until you start upgrading him, especially the bullet spread, and then become so good at certain level only, like the grassland area. The first time you use him and there is no bullet speed upgrade, its kind of hard, until you get into the grassland area and he is the only one that really useful there. Because the Mother Bee are just simply annoying, you kill it and it spawned fly that travel at SUPER HIGH SPEED, not to mentioned that the damage are higher than a normal bullet....just simply rage factor if you use other character than Gluplug.
Munyi are somewhat decent and somewhat broken. At first, you get amazed by the high damaging laser, then you realize the chain effect are totally unreliable, work sometimes and work not other times. The slow fire rate is also a problem, it will be better if the chain can work properly to cover this, but it often hit random enemy only. The hitbox also suck because sometimes you click at enemy and it hit the other one, or you can't hit the enemy until you click on their side/surrounding. This hitbox problem is the worst problem of this character.
Zoya is so powerful, a rocket blast from the sky that deal 40 damage, which is the same damage as the Air Strike (but Air Streak do 40 damage for each second). His slow fire rate can be compensated with his wide area and high damage, but would be better if you could upgrade the damage and range, or even fire rate.
The money also only good for the beginning, it only buy consumable item after you done with the base, which will be done in less than 2 chapter if you do it properly. However, money only really help when around the end of chapter 3 and for the whole chapter 4, since you need to get LOTS OF ITEM, because enemy are so powerful even for full upgraded character.
The last are the worst glitch is with the Strike Drone. It was really helpful, especially for the last chapter. However, when the most powerful boss, the Shadow Lord and the Elemental Boss come, the drone won't shot at all! This is more than money wasting and extreme disappointment, but also a big problem that prevent you to win unless you spam other items.
The game still fun, even with all the problems. The ending is also decent and the overall design are nice. You still could improve this game to be a better game with higher potential.